Tamilnad Mercantile Bank posts ‘highest-ever’ Q2 net profit
Tamilnad Mercantile Bank MD & CEO Salee S. Nair says that they are hopeful of maintaining over 13% credit growth for FY25. Tamilnad Mercantile Bank Ltd.’s (TMB) standalone net profit for the September quarter rose 11% to ₹303 crore on account of an increase in net interest income, interest income
SKF divests non-core aerospace operation for USD 220 million
Gothenburg, 29 October 2024: SKF is committed to creating a more focused and resilient company to serve its customers even better and accelerate profitable growth. As part of the decision from the Group’s strategic review of its aerospace business, communicated on 27 October 2023,
Buy-back of shares in MTG during week 43, 2024
During the period between 21 October and 25 October 2024 Modern Times Group MTG AB (publ) (LEI code 549300E8NDODRSX29339) (“MTG”) repurchased, in total, 138,652 own class B shares (ISIN code SE0018012494) under the share repurchase program initiated by the Board of Directors. The share buy-backs
Scandic updates net debt target and informs about upcoming share buyback program and proposal for extra dividend
The Board of Directors of Scandic Hotels Group AB (publ) (“Scandic” or the “Company”) has decided on financial targets for the period 2025–2027. The target for net debt in relation to adjusted EBITDA is reduced from 2-3x to below 1x. The Company’s financial targets for growth,
Transaction in Own Shares – Fidelity Asian Values Plc
FIDELITY ASIAN VALUES PLC (the ‘Company’) TRANSACTION IN OWN SHARES The Board of the Company announces that it has bought into Treasury Number of shares repurchased: 22,500 Date of transaction: 29 October 2024 Average share price paid per share (GBp): 507.830 Lowest share price
Despite a slow start, States’ capex likely to rise further this year
Capital expenditure by States, a key driver of India’s economic growth in recent times, may have started on the backfoot in 2024-25 with the general elections taking up the first quarter, and States’ capex dropping 7% from last year by August, but those spends may pick up steam in the
Nordea Bank Abp: Repurchase of own shares on 29.10.2024
Nordea Bank AbpStock exchange release – Changes in company’s own shares29.10.2024 at 22.30 EET Nordea Bank Abp (LEI: 529900ODI3047E2LIV03) has on 29.10.2024 completed repurchases of own shares (ISIN: FI4000297767) as follows: Trading venue (MIC Code) Number of shares Weighted average price / share, EUR* **
Acroud announces payment of postponed interest under its outstanding bond loan
Acroud AB (publ) (the “Company” or “Acroud”) announced on 30 September 2024 that it until further notice would postpone the interest payment which was due on 7 October 2024 on its SEK 225,000,000 senior secured bonds with ISIN SE0017562481 (the “Bonds“). Acroud hereby announces that
India’s forex reserves position estimated at $688.27 billion
India’s foreign exchange reserves position as on October 18, 2024 was estimated at $688.27 billion, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) said on Tuesday while releasing the 43rd Half Yearly Report on Management of Foreign Exchange Reserves April – September 2024. This includes Foreign Currency Assets (FCA) of $598.24 billion,
Grand Archive, Stellaris’ new Story Pack, is now available on PC
Discover, amass and display the rarest treasures and specimens of the galaxy in your Grand Archive. Study, nurture and exploit Space Fauna in its Vivarium STOCKHOLM, October 29 – Today, Paradox Interactive launched Grand Archive, the new story pack for its sci-fi strategy game Stellaris,